New Gunpla Projects

It’s been a while since I’ve built or played anything on camera and there are several reasons for it, one of them being some changes that I’m making in my life that are an ongoing process and often leave me without enough time to broadcast or simply too exhausted to do so, but I’ll go over those some other day.

But another reason for the lack of broadcasting or even recording builds is the wait for certain models to arrive and a hell of a lot of paints. One of the issues I have with Gunpla as a hobby is that paints come in minuscule bottles of 10ml, meaning that if I want to fill a large side-feed bottle for my airbrush, to have enough paint for a complete large model, it’s going to take at least 3 or 4 of these tiny paint products to do so. It’s slightly infuriating and I wish larger versions were more readily available (and I’ve seen, at least on GundamInfo videos on YouTube, Meijin Kawaguchi use larger bottles) from most shops but I’ve been unable to find any.

But once I’ve acquired everything I need these will be the projects I’ll be focusing on, either privately or on camera: Continue reading New Gunpla Projects

Gunpla: Master Grade MS-14S Gelgoog Build

Last year, during one of my first Gunpla streams—which starting this week will be every Friday from 20h London Time—some cool guys joined the chat and invited me into this great group, the Gunpla Builders Association. Since then, I’ve chatted with members of the group, shared my work with them and seen how easily their skill outclasses mine.

The GBA has a few monthly multi-streams, where a group of Gunpla builders take to Twitch together to build models under a specific theme, using a multi-stream site to share everyone’s build with the audience at the same time. Continue reading Gunpla: Master Grade MS-14S Gelgoog Build

Custom Gunpla – Beargguy III GeekOut Ver.

I mentioned some time ago that I had plans for Gunpla projects, specifically some custom paintjobs. I spoke of my idea to turn the Freedom Gundam, the first model I built—not the V2 I built later—into a Decepticon, using a healthy amount of purple and metallic paints. I also spoke of my plans of overhauling the Deathscythe Hell build, since I was unhappy with the out-of-the-box kit.

The last one I mentioned was for a custom version of the Beargguy III model, with a paintjob inspired by GeekOut South-West, which I would hand over to Timlah as a gift.

That’s the model I’m talking about today as I’ve recently finished customising it. Continue reading Custom Gunpla – Beargguy III GeekOut Ver.

Gargoyles & Decepticons – Upcoming Gunpla Projects

It’s been a while since I’ve spoken of my Gunpla projects. The main reason for that is that aside from the Turn A Gundam that I built during the holidays I really don’t have any models to build. And considering how minuscule some of the decals are, placing them on the kits doesn’t really make for spectator sport.

But even considering I won’t be getting new models for at least a month, I do have some new things to talk about, some projects that I’ll be working on in the coming days and weeks. In fact, as soon as I get my belated Christmas care package from my sister. You see, in addition to whatever surprise gift they’ve thought up, my brother-in-law is also sending me his full airbrush kit, paints included, leaving it to me to just buy the compressor before I can start doing paint-jobs on the kits.

Right now I have three major projects: Continue reading Gargoyles & Decepticons – Upcoming Gunpla Projects

Gunpla – Decorations

Over the course of my Gunpla builds these past few weeks, you may have noticed I just finish the main build and leave it there, without adding anything cosmetic to the Gundam model. There are several reasons for that: Continue reading Gunpla – Decorations

Gunpla – Gundam Exia

Last Friday I had to go out of town for a business dinner, so I couldn’t broadcast a Gunpla build on Twitch, which has become something of a routine in the past few weeks. But as I am a creature of habit I decided to do the build on my own anyway and just record it.

This model is for Gundam Exia from the series Mobile Suit Gundam 00, the first Gundam piloted by Celestial Being’s Gundam Meister, Setsuna F. Seiei. Gundam 00 is up there with one of my favourite series and I had trouble decided between this unit and the 00 Gundam.

Continue reading Gunpla – Gundam Exia

Gunpla – Deathscythe Hell Gundam

That time of the week again where I show you the highlight of my Friday Gunpla stream. Last week’s model was the Deathscythe Hell Gundam from Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz.

I asked my friends before the day came which of my new models I should go for, and it was this Master Grade Gunpla kit they unanimously chose, mostly because of how cool it looks. Continue reading Gunpla – Deathscythe Hell Gundam

Gunpla – Star Winning Gundam Build

Early this week I got a package from Japan, my Christmas present to myself, 5 new Gunpla models: Continue reading Gunpla – Star Winning Gundam Build

Gunpla – Freedom Gundam Build!

Last Friday, as promised I streamed the build of my latest Gunpla model on Twitch. It took over 6 hours to complete, though most of those were spent on fixing mistakes, particularly on the Railguns, which I kept putting together the wrong way around. Continue reading Gunpla – Freedom Gundam Build!

Gunpla – Gundam Models – The Second Build

A couple of weeks ago I spoke of the first Gundam model, aka Gunpla, I built, the Freedom Gundam. At the time I mentioned I would be building a second Freedom, but one from a much more recent version of the kit, with a better-designed skeleton and parts for better articulation and posing.

Well, that build is happening tonight. From 7pm GMT onwards, on the Lawful Geek Twitch channel, I’ll be building this second version of the Freedom Gundam from Gundam Seed.

Freedom Gundam Master Grade v2
This is the box, it looks amazing!

Much like the previous one, this Gunpla build will be a Master Grade kit, with tons of parts to cut and piece together but also a lot more freedom when it comes to putting the finished product into a cool pose.

I won’t lie to you, I’ve already gone ahead and given the instruction manual a nice read-through, finding it very familiar to the first Freedom Gundam model I built weeks ago. This one just has a few more pieces and plenty more decals.

Hobby knife and cutting mat
The tools of the trade!

I’ve also already built the base for it, included with the rest of the pieces. I just couldn’t resist doing so. In fact, it’s getting much harder to resist the urge to just sit down and build this new Freedom Gundam in one go, but with work and life responsibilities, it would be bad for me to spend a work day evening on just this, which is why I’ve managed to hold on until today, Friday, as I can take as long as I need to finish the model, or at least work and stream until I fall unconscious–which would be bad considering I’ll be handling some very sharp objects!

So, if you’re interested in Gundam or Gunpla, or just model kits in general, then come check it out at 7pm GMT (that’s 2pm EST) on my Twitch channel, LawfulGeek.