New Gunpla Projects

It’s been a while since I’ve built or played anything on camera and there are several reasons for it, one of them being some changes that I’m making in my life that are an ongoing process and often leave me without enough time to broadcast or simply too exhausted to do so, but I’ll go over those some other day.

But another reason for the lack of broadcasting or even recording builds is the wait for certain models to arrive and a hell of a lot of paints. One of the issues I have with Gunpla as a hobby is that paints come in minuscule bottles of 10ml, meaning that if I want to fill a large side-feed bottle for my airbrush, to have enough paint for a complete large model, it’s going to take at least 3 or 4 of these tiny paint products to do so. It’s slightly infuriating and I wish larger versions were more readily available (and I’ve seen, at least on GundamInfo videos on YouTube, Meijin Kawaguchi use larger bottles) from most shops but I’ve been unable to find any.

But once I’ve acquired everything I need these will be the projects I’ll be focusing on, either privately or on camera: Continue reading New Gunpla Projects

The Lawful Geek Stream – August Modelling

On Monday I shared with you a highlight video of all the gaming moments from my Twitch stream for the month of August and I mentioned that along with the gaming, there was also some modelling as well. Let’s talk about that!

In August there were two models I built on stream, fewer than other months but a couple of times I had to be out on the Friday or take a break for various reasons, such as the trip to Kitacon and last week, when cleaning and reorganising my work-space became a priority, as it was frankly a mess. Continue reading The Lawful Geek Stream – August Modelling

Gunpla – My First Build!

I mentioned some time ago that I wanted to do some arts and crafts, with an eye on doing models. Well, I’ve finally done so and constructed my first Gunpla! Continue reading Gunpla – My First Build!