Gaming for Charity – Awesome Games Done Quick 2017

It’s that time of year again, when the people from Speed Demos Archive and Speedruns Live join forces to bring us a week-long marathon of back-to-back speedruns, crazy donation incentives and some amazing prizes, Awesome Games Done Quick.

As with every year, the proceeds from this marathon go to the Prevent Cancer Foundation, whose mission is the prevention of cancer through research and education, focusing on lifestyle change and early detection.

My dad died of cancer years ago, and so my money, time and admiration always go to any organisation that might prevent others from meeting the same fate or their families to go through what we have.

If you’re unfamiliar with what AGDQ or speedruns are, let me give you a quick explanation. Continue reading Gaming for Charity – Awesome Games Done Quick 2017

Awesome Games Done Quick 2016 is Live!

I’m massive fan of Speedrunners, not the game, but the people. I love to watch videos of gamers taking videogames I’ve struggled to complete over the course of my “gamer career” and just blast through them in record times. From the insanely difficult NES Ninja Gaiden games in half an hour to world records in the Mega Man series, I’ve seen Speedrunners do things with games that not even the creators thought possible. Some find glitches and bugs that need precise inputs in a particular segment of the screen to trigger, things that no level of quality assurance could pick up. Some on the other hand eschew glitches and other tricks and just play the game straight, mastering every part of the mechanics until they can do them in their sleep—some of them might. Continue reading Awesome Games Done Quick 2016 is Live!

Attic Cleanup – 12-01-2014

Hot damn, 2014!

In case you’re wondering about the Featured Image, yes, that is an Angel Witch with horns riding a mechanized broom. It’s from the anime adaptation of a series of novels caleld Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon (Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere), a fantastic story with one of the most convoluted plots ever conceived. Both the novels and the series deserve a watch, so go see it! Trust me, the witch you’re seeing doesn’t even crack the top 5 weirdest stuff you’ll see in Horizon. Continue reading Attic Cleanup – 12-01-2014