Attic Cleanup – 12-01-2014

Hot damn, 2014!

In case you’re wondering about the Featured Image, yes, that is an Angel Witch with horns riding a mechanized broom. It’s from the anime adaptation of a series of novels caleld Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon (Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere), a fantastic story with one of the most convoluted plots ever conceived. Both the novels and the series deserve a watch, so go see it! Trust me, the witch you’re seeing doesn’t even crack the top 5 weirdest stuff you’ll see in Horizon. Continue reading Attic Cleanup – 12-01-2014

Attic Cleanup – 2013 and Special People!

It’s been an interesting year, with ups down, monkey wrenches in plans and some truly fantastic, borderline epic moments, and I just can’t wait for what 2014 will bring, because I have the distinct feeling that it’ll be awesome.

Continue reading Attic Cleanup – 2013 and Special People!

Happy New Year!!

Hello all, just here to wish you all an absolutely fantastic 2013.

As for me, 2012 was a very good year. Sure, it had its disappointments, its bad moments, I got angry, sad, I raged, I was frustrated, etc. But there was also quite a lot of joy, of accomplishment, of new experiences and a great deal of learning, which is always good.

Speaking of experiences, this year this blog happened, I starte one and exposed my writing and myself to public scrutiny and opinion, something I always thought I wouldn’t do, but I did it anyway and it’s fantastic. If only I could go back and smack my younger self, but I suppose everything has its timing. This last month I’ve even worked at reviewing games, something I’ve always wanted to do but never found the opportunity, now I’ve done it, even though I’m still figuring out my own style when it comes to that.

This year was also the year I advanced my world-conquest schemes, hit milestones and prepared myself to hit new ones.

If 2013 is remotely close to how 2012 was, it’ll all be fine!

How can you be sure? Easy: Every day, when you wake up, close your eyes, take a deep breath and remind and order yourelf: “Today will be a good day!” It might not sound like much, but I assure you it works.

So, once again. We wish you a fantastic new year. Who’s “we” you ask? Every tennant in my attic of course:

Roberto Peralta wishes you nothing but joy and hopes this year you face and conquer your inner demons and rid yourself of your prejudice, learning to live in peace with everyone!

Pete Ng, The Tiger hopes you have wonderful adventures this year, learn exciting new things and if possible, forgive and forget.

Lillian Carpenter & Don have argued extensively on what to wish for you, but they always argue. So far the only thing they’ve agreed on is this year you must bravely face everything that comes your way and always remember you are not alone and there is no reason for you to shoulder burdens by yourself. The people around you will help you if you call them.

The Illusionist doesn’t care one way or another. This is all a Dream after all, but if in fact you are not a Lemming but another Dreamer, he wishes you to remember you have the power to change your Dreamscape, to enforce your will on the world. Make this year a better one even if the year doesn’t want to.

The Alhur have their own thing to say, even if you have not formally met. They hope you awaken one day to find the world to be exactly the place you’ve always dreamed of.

Weston Styles, whom you’ll meet soon, wants me to tell you that this year don’t let yourself be trampled or force to change for someone elses benefit. Be yourself, be proud in who you are, and if someone doesn’t agree, tell them to bugger off!

As for me, well, I think I’ve said enough, and I can’t think of anything else but to say “Be happy!”, in the end, what matters is being happy. Live through 2013 with a smile on your face and grin your way through everything!

See you all around next time you come to visit my Mental Attic!