Almost Human – Series Review

The years is 2048. Evolving technologies can no longer be regulated. Dangerous advancements forever alter the criminal landscape. Police are not prepared. Law enforcement combats this corruption with a new line of defence. But not all are created equal…Now all cops, human and man-made together, take on the battle to watch over us all…Continue reading Almost Human – Series Review

I’m into too much stuff…

This post is dedicated to V, if you think you watch too much, just read below 🙂

I watch too much stuff…seriously…

I think it’s time I list everything I see. I’ll focus on this season’s series (or those I’m catching up because I missed the season), because I can’t remember them all. Continue reading I’m into too much stuff…

Dracula – Series Review

As always, I’ve given the series a 3-episode chance to hook me before I write the review. If you’ve read my previous reviews, you’ll know, that number is usually enough to measure the quality of the series. Continue reading Dracula – Series Review

The Originals – Series Review

In the Vampire Diaries universe, The Originals are the first Vampires, a family turned to Vampirism by a spell of their own making, and the progenitors of the entire vampire race. Among them, the most notable, for being both recurring and alive, are Klaus, the Vampire/Werewolf hybrid and all around pain in the ass; Elijah, the Original Gentleman, honorable and honest; and Rebekah, the eternal bitch. First introduced during season 2 of The Vampire Diaries as villains, the Originals eventually became series regulars and while still sociopaths, their roles shifted more or less once per episode, switching between helpers and bad guys as the plot required, which, as a natural consequence, means they’re the least developed characters of the bunch, with, perhaps, the exception of Elijah who’s remained constant throughout his appearances. Continue reading The Originals – Series Review

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland – Series Review

After two successful seasons, albeit of varied quality, and a very strong currently running third one, it was time for ABC’s Once Upon a Time to get the spinoff treatment. The result, Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, had a lot of potential with a new heroine, a new story and more than a few worlds to explore, combined with the twists and retellings we’ve come to expect from Once Upon. On the other hand, however, it had to live up to the quality of storytelling of its parent series. Continue reading Once Upon a Time in Wonderland – Series Review

The Tomorrow People – Series Review

In the last decade, there have been a few superhero team themed series, each with varying degrees of success and quality. Mutant X was the first among them, a series that in my honest opinion ran for too long. There’s Birds of Prey, the first attempt at doing something Batman related but with a terrible plot and even worse writing. There’s Heroes, a show with a fantastic first and 4th (and last) season, but with everything in between pretty much making sure no one was watching by that point; and Alphas, a show that should have never been cancelled, and with a very interesting and likeable cast and even better premise. Continue reading The Tomorrow People – Series Review