Game Building – Homebrew or Third Party Engines?

Video Game engines are at the core of any video game development. They provide the tools the content creators will need to build the game the audience will enjoy. Engines also come with constraints, limitations that often drag games down or make further entries in a series a harder task.

We all know of the popular engines such as Unreal and Unity, but there are dozens out there we never hear of, as they are homebrewed creations by the developers, built from the ground up to serve the need for a specific game. It’s not unusual for developers to use these private engines once and then switch to a new original engine or adapt an existing one. Continue reading Game Building – Homebrew or Third Party Engines?

Interview: Fictiorama Studios – Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today

Last year, I played and reviewed the debut game of Spanish developers Fictiorama Studio, Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today.

Since then, I’ve been hoping to hear more news about its sequel and I have to admit that I’ve been curious about the development of the main game, particularly what inspired the plot and gameplay elements. So unable to contain my curiousity, I decided to talk to Fictiorama and interview them.

Enjoy! Continue reading Interview: Fictiorama Studios – Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today