The Ultimate Beastmaster – Gaming Edition – Week 3

Will you look at that, we’re on week 3 of the Ultimate Beastmaster Gaming Edition, based on the Netflix reality show produced by Sylvester Stallone, The Ultimate Beastmaster, where competitors from around the world tackle the most vicious of challenge courses, the Beast.

In our gaming edition, there are no coins, rupees or souls to be won, but there is a certain kind of prestige, where one characters steps out of the ruins of the Beast, confident they are the Ultimate Gaming Beastmaster.

Continue reading The Ultimate Beastmaster – Gaming Edition – Week 3

Ultimate BeastMaster – Gaming Edition – Week 3 Challengers!

On Monday we had second week of gaming contestants make their way through the perilous and demanding course that is The Beast, using all their skills to accrue as many points as they could. Twelve competitors became eight, then five and then the remaining and best two, Kirby and the new rebooted Lara Croft, met face to face for Level 4, with Lara’s climbing skills nabbing her the title of Beastmaster, earning 10.000 of whatever currency they use in the next country she explores. Continue reading Ultimate BeastMaster – Gaming Edition – Week 3 Challengers!

The Ultimate Beastmaster – Gaming Edition – Week 2

Last week we had the first few contestants running in this little fantasy league, the Ultimate Beastmaster, Gaming Edition, based on the Netflix reality show produced by Sylvester Stallone, The Ultimate Beastmaster, where competitors from around the world tackle the most vicious of challenge courses, the Beast.

In our gaming edition, there are no coins, rupees or souls to be won, but there is a certain kind of prestige, where one characters steps out of the ruins of the Beast, confident they are the Ultimate Gaming Beastmaster.

Continue reading The Ultimate Beastmaster – Gaming Edition – Week 2

Ultimate BeastMaster – Gaming Edition – Here come new challengers!

On Monday we had our first set of gaming contestants make their way through the perilous and demanding course that is The Beast, using all their skills to accrue as many points as they could. Twelve competitors became eight, then five and then the remaining and best two, Kain from the Legacy of Kain series and Mega Man X from the eponymous series, met face to face for Level 4, with X using his superior movement to beat the ancient vampire and claim the title of Beastmaster, earning 10.000 of whatever currency they use in his 20XX time period. Continue reading Ultimate BeastMaster – Gaming Edition – Here come new challengers!

The Ultimate Beastmaster – Gaming Edition – Week 1

Last week I introduced you to this little fantasy league of mine, where video game characters take the place of real world athletes and compete on the most brutal course in history, The Beast. In The Ultimate Beastmaster show, competitors from around the world try their best to be crowned a Beastmaster, earning a nice chunk of cash and coming back at the end, competing with every other Beastmaster for the title of Ultimate Beastmaster and a heavy monetary prize.

In our gaming edition, there are no coins, rupees or souls to be won, but there is a certain kind of prestige, where one characters steps out of the ruins of the Beast, confident they are the Ultimate Gaming Beastmaster. Continue reading The Ultimate Beastmaster – Gaming Edition – Week 1

D3 – Diablo Disappointment Discussion



Diablo 3, a lot’s been said about it and now’s my turn.

Let’s get a few things out of the way:

  • No, it’s not Diablo 2, it’s not that game with a better engine and it was never meant to be.
  • The game was never going to fulfill the fanbase’s expectations, mostly because those expectations were unreal. A game with over ten years in development and over 5 years’ worth of teasers created Messiah-like expectations. Disappointment in one way or another was inevitable.
  • The argument of D2 being play-to-win and D3 being pay-to-win is moronic, and I’ll give you a little fact, something I know most blind haters can’t deal with. Pay-to-win was already around in D2, people sold and bought their items off each other, it was just done in forums and you risked being swindled and your accounts being compromised. Blizzard simply decided to get a piece of the action in D3, as well as provide you with a non-real-money alternative. Buy crap with gold, i.e., use make-believe-money to buy make-believe-crap. You can still buy make-believe-crap with real money, but now you commit that idiocy through secure servers.

With that out of the way, let’s get started. Continue reading D3 – Diablo Disappointment Discussion