Geeks in Bristol – My First GeekOut South-West Meetup!

I know, you’re expecting a follow up to the Tokusatsu post from yesterday, but that’s coming tomorrow. It would be remiss of me if I didn’t talk today about my amazing weekend, where I visited a new city for the first time and attended my first ever GeekOut South-West meetup, something I’ve been wanting to do for years now, but distance and resources had always been in the way. But now that I’m living in England, nothing could stop me from going. Continue reading Geeks in Bristol – My First GeekOut South-West Meetup!

The Challenges I face as a Cosplayer

Those who follow me over on GeekOut South-West will be very aware of the fact that I’m a cosplayer, a rather vocal one at that. This is a short post about the types of challenges that I face as a cosplayer and what I do to get around them. Continue reading The Challenges I face as a Cosplayer