Let’s Play Classic Tomb Raider – Halfway There!

A couple of months ago I started a series called Classic Play Tomb Raider, later renamed Let’s Play Classic Tomb Raider, because it makes it easier to understand. The plan was simple: play through all the Classic Lara Croft games in reverse order—because I was already playing Underworld when the idea popped in my head! I want to give a special thanks to Kelly M. from The Archaeology of Tomb Raider for pointing out a flaw in my naming: the LAU Trilogy isn’t considered Classic Tomb Raider. It’s why now I say Classic Lara Croft when I explain the series!

I put Tomb Raider Chronicles and Angel of Darkness up for a vote on a poll, as I dislike those titles and would never play them if it were up to me. Some of you—evil bastards—voted that I should indeed play them and so I did.

As of now, we’re about halfway there, having recently finished Tomb Raider Chronicles, despite having to force myself to do it. I didn’t exactly finish it but it wasn’t because of my lack of interest but because the game bugged out the last level and made it impossible for me to complete it. But if you listen to my commentary, you can feel how much I don’t want to play it!

Below you’ll find the playlists for my Let’s Plays! Also, make sure you check out my review of Tomb Raider: Underworld on 1001Up. Those crazy people let me in the door again to submit reviews, didn’t even put up a barricade!

Tomb Raider: Underworld: No commentary on this one, I was first trying this out so I didn’t know whether to comment. It’s a shame though because just on the death count you could’ve been hearing my indistinct mutterings of frustration or just the laughter as I gave up!

Tomb Raider: Anniversary: My first attempt at commentary, didn’t go so well and the voice volume was off the charts so I apologise for that. Still hadn’t an idea of how loud I could be on a mic!

Tomb Raider: Legend: My favourite of the LAU trilogy and it was a ton of fun! You can hear me gushing about the ending like a proper fanboy!

Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness: The bitching season begins. You’ll mostly hear me complain about the poor mechanics and the ridiculous characters and the Resident Evil plot!

Tomb Raider: Chronicles: This one was just painful! I made a mistake in the last video and thought a vent had bugged out. I then went back to it but because of the 2nd cyborg glitch, I couldn’t finish the game. I didn’t bother recording that bit.

The last videos of this series will release this week starting today until Friday!

Next time around, it’ll be Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation!

If you like the videos, why not hit the subscribe button on the YouTube channel and if you have any comments on the hosting, the volume of the mic or anything else, just let me know! I’m still learning a lot of this stuff, so I’m open to any criticism!

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I love everything readable, writeable, playable and of course, edible! I search for happiness, or Pizza, because it's pretty much the same thing! I write and ramble on The Mental Attic and broadcast on my Twitch channel, TheLawfulGeek

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