Extra Life 2015: Looking for group!

A few weeks ago I announced my participation in this year’s Extra Life, planning to stream for four days, Friday 6th to Monday 9th of November, with the main Extra Life event takin place on the 7th, during which I will mostly be playing Tomb Raider games, as I am part of the Team Tomb Raider Community!

I’m currently hard at work getting the schedule and all the raffles in place, as well as sharpening my hosting skills with my Nightly Twitch Stream. I’m streaming Monday to Friday 8-11pm GMT+1 (which will revert to GMT in October), which is about 3-6pm EST.

There are two slots in my schedule though that I can’t fill on my own. I’m planning on having a couple of live Roleplaying Game sessions. One will be a fantasy game using Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition, a nice little module of my own devising and which can possibly lead to a full campaign afterwards. The second is a Tomb-Raider-styled game, filled with exploration, poetic licence on certain myths and a lot of adventuring fun. The system we’ll use will be up to you, one of the many donation incentives for the stream. The choices are Shadowrun 5th, Dungeons & dragons 5th, Pathfinder and Scion. You can propose another system when donating of course, and it’ll run against these. ExtraLifeKevin

Now comes the important bit. The players: I already have a couple lined up for this but I need more and I’m hoping you’d like to join me! As I mentioned, there will be two games, one during Friday’s stream, and another during Sunday. For the Sunday game, I’m holding off 2 slots for fellow Team Tomb Raider Community members, if I can manage to rope them in, as it is a Tomb-Raider-y sort of thing and it would be awesome.

In total, I will need four to five players per game. You can join more than one of course. Those who wish to donate as a ‘buy in’ can do so of course, I will graciously accept your donations, though it’s not necessary. If you do, however, it’ll guarantee you a spot. For everyone else, I’ll go through everyone’s applications and decide on a few of you. You can use the contact page to tell me you want to join. Just tell me a bit about you, particularly your experience level with RPGs in the past, to let me know how much guidance you’ll need. Same goes for donors, tell me about you in your donation message.

The limit is Five Players, though if we reach the cap and someone else donates, I will add them to whichever game they want!

Let me know which one you’d like to join, the Friday Fantasy or the Sunday Adventure!

We’ll be using Roll20.net during the course of the game. While appearing on camera isn’t necessary, you will need to talk so you’ll need a microphone.

Hopefully many of you want to join in! In the meantime, I’m currently seeking players for a new campaign, to run every other Saturday on my stream. If you’d like to join and help me polish out some things, I would love to have you.

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I love everything readable, writeable, playable and of course, edible! I search for happiness, or Pizza, because it's pretty much the same thing! I write and ramble on The Mental Attic and broadcast on my Twitch channel, TheLawfulGeek

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