Musical Narrative – My Favourite Songs in Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE

In the past I’ve mentioned my adoration for the Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem crossover RPG on the Nintendo Wii U, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE. The music is phenomenal, the story is great and it’s an entertaining RPG with a truly enjoyable combat system. Continue reading Musical Narrative – My Favourite Songs in Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE

Playing Persona 5 – Design Flaws

I like Persona 5 and in fact, before the game’s release, I was desperate to play a title in the series. I had read about it, seen gameplay and even the series and films spun from its predecessors, particularly Persona 3 and 4.

Persona 5’s greatest strength lies in its characters and the story it tells. Sure, there are issues in characterisation and storytelling, but overall, this part of the experience is the strongest and has some seriously phenomenal moments.

Continue reading Playing Persona 5 – Design Flaws

Best JRPGs – Xenoblade Chronicles X and Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE

In the past I’ve spoken about JRPGs, the things I like but most importantly, the flaws in the genre, because whilst the name just means Japanese-RPGs, it has enough tropes and stylistic differences that we can consider it a completely different genre. Many of these tropes form the basis of all RPG Video Games, as many developers and designers grew up with games such as the original Final Fantasy.

Right now, I’m playing through two JRPGs that I now think might be two of the best RPGS in the world. The first is one I’ve mentioned in the past, Xenoblade Chronicles X, which I had to restart because I forgot to copy the save file when I deleted my old WiiU account and created a new one (they’re region-locked, so my Irish one didn’t work here). And the second is the wonderful Shin Megami Tensei & Fire Emblem Crossover, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE. Continue reading Best JRPGs – Xenoblade Chronicles X and Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE