Politics – Back in the day…

I will say this only once. I HATE POLITICS.

It didn’t used to be like that. Once upon a time, politics, politicians, governments and such didn’t even cross my mind, the only time it did was when there was an election coming.

Now, politics are part of our everyday lives, and we listen to politicians argue and bicker at least once a day, over topics that range from the uninteresting to the absurd. Sure, it’s not unique to my country, but it is annoying.

I wish things were back to those days, where politics were a thing you thought off every four to five years. Continue reading Politics – Back in the day…

Relationship BS

This won’t be a popular topic, and won’t endear me to some people, but the truth (or at least my truth) must be said.

This is about relationships, most specifically, about the protocols and hurdles we all put in front of us to make something as simple as Person A + Person B incredibly complicated. By “WE”, I mean the entire fucking world. Be it Venezuela, USA or any other country, we all do this.

While there are many bullshit situations we face, I’ll break it down to a few common ones, and with which I’ve had experience, directly or indirectly. Continue reading Relationship BS

Geographical Identity…

This week I saw a YouTube video called “Caracas, Ciudad de Despedidas” (Caracas, City of Farewells), and was fascinated, not by the video, since it was a 17 minute documentary with 12 minutes of pointless transition shots and music; but by the general response. Insults, dislikes, criticism and bile flew out with force and frequency, people wouldn’t let it die…it even started a meme, which I didn’t care for because I hate memes. But wading through the aforementioned bile and vitriol, I started seeing patterns in the replies and opinions, and it made me think about cultural and national identity, patriotism and pride, and the extremes in them… Continue reading Geographical Identity…