DC Animated – Young Justice

Young Justice is the second (or third, technically) series in my current project of watching all DC Comics Animated series. At the time of writing my piece on the Justice League, I still wasn’t done with this series, still having the second season to go through. And even if I had, Young Justice definitely deserves its own article. Continue reading DC Animated – Young Justice

DC Animated – Justice League

Every once in a while, I get tired from the offerings on the current TV season, tired of seeing the same concepts rehashed under different names and with slightly different details, or sometimes even just want to see something I haven’t seen in a long while, a particular show to rekindle the memories and the emotions I felt when I first saw them.

It’s from those experiences that I draw my “Oldies but Goodies” articles, which I’ve written for Chuck, Eureka, Farscape and Warehouse 13. For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been bingeing on other oldies, but these are beyond goodies, they’re outstanding. Continue reading DC Animated – Justice League