DC Animated: Violent Hypocrisy

When you think of the DC Cinematic universe, a few things come to mind. There are the disjointed and messy films, the ambitious ideas of building a working universe like that of Marvel Comics but rushing to do so, without taking the time to let it happen organically through the origin stories, and of course the constant need to reshoot films to take out jokes or put a few in, or go in completely different directions from the original artistic view of its creators.

But another thing that comes to mind is the amount of controversies on the violence of its heroes, on the level of destruction and death they leave in their wake. A point that often comes up is the killing of Zod in Man of Steel and how that goes against all the character stands for. Continue reading DC Animated: Violent Hypocrisy

DC Animated – Young Justice

Young Justice is the second (or third, technically) series in my current project of watching all DC Comics Animated series. At the time of writing my piece on the Justice League, I still wasn’t done with this series, still having the second season to go through. And even if I had, Young Justice definitely deserves its own article. Continue reading DC Animated – Young Justice

Review: Justice League: Gods and Monsters

What happens when you take Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman and give them completely new backstories and identities? You get Justice League: Gods and Monsters! Continue reading Review: Justice League: Gods and Monsters