Dropping the Pen – The Storytelling flaws of Arrow

His name is Oliver Queen, and we’ve heard everything about him by now, both in the present and in the ever-expanding story of his five years on an island. But while I love Arrow, one of my favourite TV and most definitely one of the best comic adaptations on TV, I have started to see patterns emerging, flaws in the writing and storytelling that I just don’t like.

So it’s time to take a look at how Arrow drops the pen! Continue reading Dropping the Pen – The Storytelling flaws of Arrow

Arrow Season 1 Review

When I first saw the promos for Arrow, a show based on Green Arrow, I was skeptic. Sure, Smallville proved you could make a successful comic book adaptation series, but even that show had its very definite lows, the series ending being one for me, even if with Darkseid they had everything going for them to end it spectacularly.

Thankfully, the show surpassed my expectations and put my fears to rest. Continue reading Arrow Season 1 Review