The Road So Far – April 2016

Last year, around the time of Rezzed 2015 I decided that after two years of doing pretty much nothing with The Mental Attic it was time for a change. At the time, my life had changed considerably. I was going through some rough stuff, which I mentioned here in the past, I had moved to Ireland after failing to move to England and I had yet to find a job in Dublin. The Mental Attic and its success or failure became crucial for me, it was a lifeline when I had none.

Last week while finishing up the articles for the Rezzed coverage I realised that it had been a full year since that moment, since I decided to keep The Mental Attic on a five article a week schedule, one that I’ve managed to keep going with only minor hiccups, such as the week I took after the Extra Life charity event, because I was too exhausted to write anything. But I’m only one guy, don’t have any help with the site—not yet anyway—so I do what I can. Continue reading The Road So Far – April 2016