Extra Life 2017 – Prizes and Games

Hello everybody and welcome to October, one month and a day to Extra Life 2017 and a day of pure tabletop role-playing gaming goodness.

As I mentioned before, unlike my last participation and that of most people, I will not be taking part of the event broadcasting a series of videogames from dusk till dawn to collect your hard earned money for the amazing cause that is the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, specifically the McMaster Children’s Hospital, but instead I and some talented friends from around will join together to play tabletop role-playing games for you, putting our players through the paces in epic adventures for your entertainment. Continue reading Extra Life 2017 – Prizes and Games

Extra Life 2017 – RPG Time

In 2015 I participated in Extra Life as part of the Team Tomb Raider Community. I played for about four days in a row, more than 12 hours a day trying to raise $500 for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Sadly, I couldn’t quite meet the goal but I had fun streaming, playing old games in one sitting and working as part of that great team.

In 2016, between moving from Ireland to England and settling in and everything that comes with it, I couldn’t take part in Extra Life, but this year I’m definitely doing it. On Saturday November 4th I’ll be once again doing my best to raise money for charity. But unlike 2015, the plan this time around is a little bit different. Continue reading Extra Life 2017 – RPG Time

Godly Affairs – Part V – Memories

I’ll say it again, I didn’t expect to get so much out of my Scion campaign, not a week’s worth of content. But it’s time to end it with this last little piece. This one isn’t about plot, as I’ve already covered the Hero, Demigod and God story arcs, but a series of anecdotes and funny moments that happened during the game.

As with every article before this one, please refer to the Scion Primer I posted on Monday in you have any doubts, though you can drop me a line in the comments and I’ll clear anything up of course!

I hope you’ll forgive the overwhelming lack of images on this post, couldn’t find any that were good enough to go with the stories. But you know what? I think I’ll get them done, immortalise the stories with some art by my favourite artist. Continue reading Godly Affairs – Part V – Memories

Godly Affairs – Part III – Demigod

Yesterday I wrote about the Scion: Hero campaign. My plan was to write about all three stories in a single post, but it would’ve been excessively long so I decided to split it all out.

Today let’s go over the second story arc I told my players, and as it was yesterday, if at any point there’s something you don’t understand, read the primer I wrote on Monday. That should tell you all you need to know.

Well, not all, not in this case, at least. I explained on Monday what Virtues and Purviews were, I didn’t go into details with them. So for this story, I urge you to read these wiki entries on the Virtues and Purviews, so you can learn what they’re about, as they’re very important to the arc’s plot. Continue reading Godly Affairs – Part III – Demigod

Godly Affairs – Part II – Hero

So, yesterday I gave you the basic concepts to understand for Scion. So today we’re going straight into the plot of the campaign.

If at any point you don’t understand something, refer to yesterday’s primer, in all likelihood I explained everything in detail there. If not, let me know in the comments and I’ll explain again.

Yesterday I mentioned Scion has three levels of play: Hero, Demigod and God, and this campaign had one story arc for each level. Today I’m focusing on the first of the stories, the Hero story. I had intended on making this one post for all three, but in writing I realised this are some really long stories, so better give each of them their own space. Continue reading Godly Affairs – Part II – Hero

Godly Affairs – Part I – Scion Pimer

Scion is a pen & paper Role-playing Game I’ve mentioned a few times in the past. I truly love it, as it mixes Urban Fantasy, my genre of choice, and mythologies, which I’m sure by now you’re sick of hearing me go on about.

Onyx Path Publishing is currently developing a second edition to this fantastic White Wolf game, and I am excited to see what they come up with—and how they balance the game. In my review of the system and when I spoke of it some days ago, I mentioned how unbalanced it was and how much house-ruling storytellers had to do not to make the game easier, but just to make it work. Continue reading Godly Affairs – Part I – Scion Pimer

Dice and Settings – My Favourite RPG Systems

Yesterday I mentioned I’m on a recruitment drive for RPG games. Since writing the article, I haven’t stopped thinking about the many games I’ve played, the characters I’ve created and the great times I’ve had with my friends.

So today, I’d like to talk to you about some of my favourite RPG systems/games. Continue reading Dice and Settings – My Favourite RPG Systems

RPG Triumph…and Defeat – Issue 6

Welcome to another exciting issue of RPG Triumph…and Defeat, the weekly feature where we tell the great stories from RPG campaigns, both the amazing and the downright humiliating.

These are the stories, our legends, that we tell all our friends, even if they don’t play. Continue reading RPG Triumph…and Defeat – Issue 6

RPG Triumph…and Defeat – Issue 5

Welcome to another exciting issue of RPG Triumph…and Defeat, where we tell the great stories from RPG campaigns, both the amazing and the downright humiliating. These are the stories, our legends, we tell our RPG friends, and even those that don’t play.

On this issue you’ll find three stories, from my Scion and Pathfinder campaigns, which you’ve already read of in the previous issues. Every day, more stories from these games keep popping up. There’s also a bonus story, one I read about and laughed at a long time ago. Continue reading RPG Triumph…and Defeat – Issue 5

RPG Triumph…and Defeat – Issue 4

Welcome to another exciting issue of RPG Triumph…and Defeat, where we tell the great stories from RPG campaigns, both the amazing and the downright humiliating. These are the stories, our legends, we tell our RPG friends, and even those that don’t play.

On this issue you’ll find three stories, from my Scion and Pathfinder campaigns, which you’ve already read of in the previous issues. Every day, more stories from these games keep popping up.

As always, the following stories use TVTropes.org‘s notation and are either Crowning Moments of Awesome (CMA) or Dethroning Moments of Suck (DMS).

If you want to share your own stories, send them using our Contact page or mail us directly at thementalattic@gmail.com Continue reading RPG Triumph…and Defeat – Issue 4