Review – Lamplight City

Months ago, I previewed the first case of Grundislav Games’ latest point & click adventure game, Lamplight City, a crime drama adventure set in a Victorian-esque steampunk world, where it’s all too possible to screw up an investigation and not reach the right conclusion.

Having now played through the entire game, I can say I enjoyed my time in New Bretagne with my new detective buddy Miles Fordham and the annoying voice in his head. It’s a fun adventure, even with the uneven quality of the different cases. Continue reading Review – Lamplight City

Preview – Lamplight City

The last Grundislav Games titles I played were Shardlight and A Golden Wake and I absolutely loved them. Now I’ve received a nifty preview key for their upcoming title, Lamplight City, and you bet I had to take a look. And to make it more interesting, I’ve done my preview in video form! Continue reading Preview – Lamplight City