Back in a Jiffy!

For the past few months, I’ve been streaming to my LawfulGeek Twitch channel, after finally moving from my original one. I worked with an artist to get things looking perfectly and slowly worked towards growing the channel…with not much success, though I don’t let that stop me from broadcasting as I really enjoy it.
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Role Playing Grumbles – The Worst Tropes in RPGs

UPDATE: I went on a bit of a rant with the Powerless Power-Ups section and didn’t make my point very clear. I’ve now edited that.

I’ve been playing RPGs for a long time. I wouldn’t say I started playing this genre as a child, I really didn’t. I got seriously into RPGs with Final Fantasy VII when a friend loaned it to me—though that isn’t my favourite title in the series—and since then I’ve gone through dozens of titles in the genre in a variety of platforms, from the original NES to current gen systems. And my interest in RPGs goes beyond video game but also into tabletop. I play D&D and many other games—though not as many at the moment, sadly.

Role-playing Games, like any other genre have common elements between them. Some of these tropes are very good and even form the basis of the RPG genre in itself, but there are others that I wish I could forget and force others to do the same so we may never see them again in any video game.

This article is about the latter, the sins. Though as a disclaimer, I’ll say that this is my opinion only. They’re my beliefs. Continue reading Role Playing Grumbles – The Worst Tropes in RPGs

Nostalgia Review: Psychonauts

I recently finished a playthrough of Double Fine’s Psychonauts as one of my many LawfulGeek Plays series. In doing so, I had to confront my memories of the game and see it without Nostalgia Goggles. Does it hold up?
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Review: The Count Lucanor

A bratty ten-year-old runs away from home, unhappy with not having presents and his father lost in the war. Now he’s trapped in a derelict castle exploring danger-filled rooms, all to pass the trials and become The Count Lucanor.
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Review: Shardlight

Years ago, the bombs came and destroyed the world. Disease and hopelessness grip the people, while the Aristocracy rules from their gilded homes. People don’t use lightbulbs anymore, but uranium shards, leaving the world in a strange green Shardlight glow.
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Review: Deponia Doomsday

You thought Deponia had ended, right? You said Goodbye to it, me too. But no, there a new entry in the series and its name is quite fitting: Deponia Doomsday.
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LawfulGeek Plays Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation – Complete!

In about six hours, it ends. Can you feel the shift, the weight coming off your shoulders? Just me? Oh well.

Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation has been one of my longest running LawfulGeek Plays series on The Mental Attic’s YouTube channel. It’s a game I started as part of my goal to go through the entire classic Tomb Raider series in reverse chronological order (and yes, for me, the LAU Trilogy is classic Tomb Raider). I took a bit of a break between playing Chronicles and going for The Last Revelation. I found Chronicles infuriating in many ways, so I needed to detox.

And now that I’ve completed it (or will do so in a few hours), I’m going to take another break from classic Tomb Raider. I’ve found Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation doubly infuriating than the first time I played it and even more than its subpar sequel. Yes, it’s a better overall game compared to Chronicles and The Angel of Darkness, but that really isn’t saying much.
Continue reading LawfulGeek Plays Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation – Complete!

Round Table Discussion – What’s next on LawfulGeek Plays?

This week on The Mental Attic’s YouTube channel, one of my first and longest running Let’s Play series comes to an end (more on that tomorrow) and next week another one will go away. They’ve been fun games and I’ve gotten into the groove of recording multiple series every week. Even now, I’m learning new things, improving my hosting skills and content creation in general. I’m starting to edit videos, think about the presentation and slowly building my own personal brand of entertainment.

And I’m only just beginning. Continue reading Round Table Discussion – What’s next on LawfulGeek Plays?

Two days of Fun – Gameblast 16 Highlights!

From Friday last week to Sunday, I joined an awesome group of people in a 48-hour gaming marathon to raise money for an even more amazing organisation. SpecialEffect is a charity that creates custom controllers and solutions for people with disabilities—gamers just like all of us—so that they can enjoy the videogames that we take for granted. They bring happiness to everyone they help, something that is apparent in the pure and radiating smiles you see in their videos.

It was a long weekend, and while there were some hiccups—nothing is ever perfect—there were some amazing moments, some quite hilarious as well! Here are my highlights of the Gamely Giving Gameblast 2016 marathon! Continue reading Two days of Fun – Gameblast 16 Highlights!

We Came, We Saw, We Gamed – Gameblast 2016!

From Friday last week to yesterday, I joined an awesome group of people in a 48-hour gaming marathon to raise money for an even more amazing organisation. SpecialEffect is a charity that creates custom controllers and solutions for people with disabilities—gamers just like all of us—so that they can enjoy the videogames that we take for granted. SpecialEffect brings happiness to everyone they help, something that is clear in the pure and radiating smiles you see in their videos.

So how could I not join Gamely Giving? It meant that I could help SpecialEffect change someone else’s life, bring happiness to them, help them realise that as long as they want it, achieving their goals and dreams is possible, that having disabilities doesn’t mean they won’t enjoy what other people take for granted. They will, because there are phenomenal people out there, people lke those in SpecialEffect, dedicated to helping them make it so. Continue reading We Came, We Saw, We Gamed – Gameblast 2016!