Awesome Bloggers, Awesome Awards!

Over the past month I’ve received some nominations to some cool WordPress Award, and with the latest one, I thought it was about time I wrote about it and gave thanks and pointed the finger at some very talented individuals whose writing entertains, educates and inspires me. Continue reading Awesome Bloggers, Awesome Awards!

Attic Cleanup – The Last Month…or so…

With some of my colleagues doing their roundups for the month/week, I decided to give them a shot. As V so kindly put it:

They’re fun and they don’t require too much thought, perfect for a Sunday eve.

So, let’s go over the last few happenings in The Mental Attic Continue reading Attic Cleanup – The Last Month…or so…

The Versatile Blogger Award

The awesome trio at have honored me with the nomination for the Versatile Blogger Award. This is my first nomination for anything on WordPress, so I’ll frame up this post somewhere in my room for when I need a pick me up…not really, but no matter what I’ll always see this one as the best of the bunch. Continue reading The Versatile Blogger Award