Awesomeness in March

March 2017 might be the most kickass month of this year.

Ok, maybe it’s a stretch considering it’s very early in 2017 and there’s lots of things to come, but March is surely bringing a lot of cool things that I’m really excited about…and a few others for which I’m less than thrilled, but I won’t go into them, mostly because it’s about politics, bonehead decisions and more politics.

So, let’s move into why I’m so excited about March 2017:

Lots of Gaming

The Nintendo Switch is coming early next month. I mentioned on Monday how excited I am about that and for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

It’s a new console, with more fun games to come over the course of the year and many new experiences…the least of which is the ability to take my console with me on travels, because I’m too paranoid to ever take my Nintendo Switch out of its dock.

But the Switch isn’t the only thing I’m excited about. There’s a new Mass Effect hitting us next month, and it looks great. Bioware has gone on record saying there’s lots of relationships and copious amounts of intimate moments in this game, something that has become a staple for their games though it’s not a part I even remotely care about—mostly because I believe their relationships still feel forced.

There’s also a new Styx. I played the game and reviewed it for another site a few years ago, and I really liked it and I’m so excited for the sequel. It’ll be fun to go back to that dark fantasy world and kick ass with that fantastic Goblin assassin. There are new powers, new gadgets and you can coordinate your kills with your clones. I can’t wait!

Styx - Shards of Darkness
Time to bring the pain!

There’s also Nier: Automata, a game I honestly don’t know much about but I can’t deny it looks pretty fun.

And in the world of board games, the Dark Souls board game I backed on Kickstarter will start shipping everything I pledged money for. It’ll probably be the starting set only in March with the rest following later, but even so, I’m really excited to get my hands on this game, to suffer through harrowing encounters, not on a PC but using dice rolls and cards.

Dark Souls the Board Game
You will die!

Movies and Bingeing

Logan is coming, the last Wolverine film with the man who’s pretty much defined the character’s portrayal for this generation, Hugh Jackman. It’s not exactly Old Man Logan, but there’s enough there to be excited about, particularly the introduction of one of my all-time favourite Marvel characters, X-23. I wonder how much of her backstory they’ll fit into this continuity.

There’s the adaptation of Ghost in the Shell…and I’m still not convinced, though I will give it a shot, keeping my expectations as low as possible and not letting my admiration for the source material get in the way. I’m sure it’ll be harder to do than say it here.

Ghost in the Shell
Cautious…not even optimistic

But there’s another adaptation coming that I’m really excited about. Beauty and the Beast. I’m a sucker for a good classic story and after the crime the film industry committed with Maleficent, I think we need this adaptation of the Disney film to be successful—because let’s face it, it’s a remake of the Disney animated film, not a new adaptation of the original fairy tale.

I also have my eyes set on Power Rangers. I’ve said it in the past, I do not like Super Sentai, it’s one of the few tokusatsu series I truly do not like, but I am curious about this edgy and angst-filled version of the 90s Saban Entertainment Power Rangers.

Power Rangers 2017
She looks badass

Lastly, there’s The Boss Baby, which after watching the trailer I know can be either extremely good, with clever writing, or an abominable film, the kind that has all the good bits in the trailer. We’ll see which kind it is soon enough.

But I’ll be honest, I’m most excited for what’s coming on TV in March, the last Defender series, Iron Fist on Netflix. I’ve seen countless trailers, I know the character and his many adaptations and I can’t wait for what Netflix will deliver. I’ve have so far enjoyed all their Marvel series and I am sure to binge watch Iron Fist when it releases next month.

There’s also a TV adaptation of Snatch coming, and though my expectations couldn’t be lower, I think I’ll give it a watch. Can’t be worse than the adaptation for The Transporter.

Bring back the Gunpla!

Next month I’m getting the compressor and paints and will start working on some of my evil Gunpla projects, and I’m really excited. I’ll also get some new models to build and customise. I think that from now on I’ll customise most of my builds, if only to add some extra details to them, especially if they’re like the Deathscythe Hell model, which I hated.

Oh yeaaaaah!

March looks great, with lots for me to enjoy. A lot of it looks good, with only a few dubious things on the horizon, particularly in the cinema and TV department.

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I love everything readable, writeable, playable and of course, edible! I search for happiness, or Pizza, because it's pretty much the same thing! I write and ramble on The Mental Attic and broadcast on my Twitch channel, TheLawfulGeek

One thought on “Awesomeness in March”

  1. I’m excited for all the movies, except for Beauty and The Beast, I have really low expectationg about it; when I was a kid, this is the only VHS movie that I owned, sooo I expect nothing good for the live-action movie. The adaptation of Ghost in the Shell, well, I know that the movie can’t be like the original, so I expect nice acting and cinematography

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