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The Road So Far – April 2016

Last year, around the time of Rezzed 2015 I decided that after two years of doing pretty much nothing with The Mental Attic it was time for a change. At the time, my life had changed considerably. I was going through some rough stuff, which I mentioned here in the past, I had moved to Ireland after failing to move to England and I had yet to find a job in Dublin. The Mental Attic and its success or failure became crucial for me, it was a lifeline when I had none.

Last week while finishing up the articles for the Rezzed coverage I realised that it had been a full year since that moment, since I decided to keep The Mental Attic on a five article a week schedule, one that I’ve managed to keep going with only minor hiccups, such as the week I took after the Extra Life charity event, because I was too exhausted to write anything. But I’m only one guy, don’t have any help with the site—not yet anyway—so I do what I can.

Where it started!

In the same year I also started streaming regularly, created a new brand for it, the Lawful Geek or simply LawfulGeek, and even launched The Mental Attic’s Youtube channel with highlights of my streams at first and now with Let’s Plays and Gameplay videos for reviews and previews.

It was a long year but you know what? I’m proud of it all. I haven’t reached stardom, and The Mental Attic still struggles with its readership sometimes, and I don’t have many viewers on YouTube, but just the doing of it all, getting off my butt and actually put the time and effort into it? I’m proud of that, very much.

But it’s not just that bit I’m celebrating right now, because I’ve reached another milestone, another goal that I had on my mind for ages. I’ve finally, and successfully, moved to England. I’m getting a flat and starting work soon. For those closest to me, they know how big it is. For all of you, I’ll put it this way: according to my family—not that I remember because I was too young—I’ve been saying I wanted to live in England since I was five years old. But for a long time I thought I’d eventually end up here, but my mental image was that of a lonely crabby old man living somewhere in the countryside, in Somethingorothershire. Didn’t think I’d make it here this soon to be honest.

My second year coming to this place and the first time I didn’t leave the country afterwards!

To put this in TL;DR: I’m happy, not as much as I could be, because there’s still a lot to do before I’m content for now, but it’s getting there. I’m accomplishing things I never knew I could. Last year in Ireland, I learned a lot about myself, about my limits and capabilities, my strengths and passions but also my weaknesses. But that move, just as the one I did to Canada, I did with help from my family. This one I’m doing on my very own, just me, my schemes and my resources.

I’m proud of that. In fact, I’ve reached that level that I don’t ever have anything to prove to myself or anyone else. I’m certain of my accomplishments, I’m aware of my failures—which to this day I’m still trying to correct, because I can’t stand broken fences and bridges—and I know where my dreams will take me.

But I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t have made it this far without the amazing people in my life. Some I can’t mention because of those broken fences, but they helped shape my new life. My good buddy and brother from another mother, Timlah from GeekOut South-West, my best friends Vanessa and Sandra, and my sister, Laura, of course, have been my advisors, critics and above all the best friends and family I could imagine.

So thanks guys. This celebration, these accomplishments, they’re all thanks to your support and tolerance at my whining and moaning!

There’s a lot to do, more events, more articles, more stories, more guides and a lot more videos. Hell, I’m even attending my first ever GeekOut Meetup in Bristol in a few weeks, and I’m excited about it.

You crack me up, little buddy!

On that note, do expect more articles like these, catch-ups, in the future. The way my weird life works, I’ll always have something fun or soppy to talk about, so I’ll come back and share it with you. It might be a good game I played, or a film I saw, or just the goings on at The Mental Attic. I tend to keep these things bottled up, never taking the time to appreciate or share them. I’d like to change that, to open the doors a bit more to you all.

I thanked my friends and family for their part in my personal successes, but I also have to thank you all for reading, commenting and liking these articles, for sharing them on your social media, for taking the time to read the words I put on “paper.”

Thank you and let’s see what the future holds! As soon as I’m properly settled, I’ll continue with the videos, broadcasting and all other fun stuff!

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