Life is Strange

Let’s Play – Life is Strange

I reviewed Life is Strange last week, giving it the first ever Highlander score. The game completely blew my mind in storytelling, gameplay, characterisation and pretty much everything else, but if you’ve read the review you already know this.

For my review I played the game on my nightly broadcast on Twitch and YouTube and I’ve compiled it all in a nice Let’s Play playlist. For your convenience and enjoyment, I’ve made sure to split the playthrough into 15-20 minute videos. If a video is longer, it’s because it’s near the end of an episode or it’s one particular sequence.

Hope you enjoy the game as much as I did while playing it and that it brings you to tears like it did me.


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I love everything readable, writeable, playable and of course, edible! I search for happiness, or Pizza, because it's pretty much the same thing! I write and ramble on The Mental Attic and broadcast on my Twitch channel, TheLawfulGeek

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